Mike Hoffman

Function : President and Founder of Vivere
Founder of Vivere in 1999, worked for 14 years for at Terre des hommes (7 years in the field and 7 years as director of the foundation), 4 years at the direction of a French NGO for human rights and development, then 10 years of leadership of solidarity organizations acting in Switzerland, (asylum seekers and social assistance) in addition to numerous volunteer engagements in activating for human rights.
Emma Garcia

Function : General Secretary
MD graduated in Public Health, practiced medicine for ten years in developing countries in collaboration with Medicus Mundi Spain, Moroccan Public Health, then Terre des hommes. Within Tdh she worked for 2 years as a traveling delegate in the context of nutritional programs in West Africa, and 5 years in Lausanne as a medical consultant for the organisation & head of the “Children’s Care” sector. Since 1995, she’s been a clinical research assistant in the CHUV’S Pediatric Hematology-Oncology unit.
Lea Ruiz

Function : Criminologist
Holder of a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Master in neurosciences at the Geneva university in addition to a master in criminology at the Lausanne university. She currently works in the field of internal security at the federal defense department. She continues her engagement at Vivere.
Auron Cecaj

Function : Lawyer
Having worked for most of his legal professional career in Albania in the commercial sector (private law practice, tobacco industry, telecommunications), Auron joined his family residing in Lausanne where he has also worked as a legal consultant. In 2022, he has enthusiastically joined Vivere with the will and desire to bring support in making legal assessments of existing and new projects of the organisation, evaluating risks and opportunities, and recording learnings.