Dear Members and Friends,
1 ° Georgette Tshibang, head of the Tulizeni Welcome Center, our partner in North Kivu (DRC), has just confirmed her next visit to Lausanne. We invite you to listen to her testimony and to speak with her Wednesday 8th August at 6 pm, at Mike’s home address below. All those who can are welcome, just warn us by a word of your presence so that we can provide sufficient snacks.
7 avenue d’Yverdon
1004 Lausanne
1st floor, door on the right
Fixed: +41216261260
Mobile: + 41796160182
Photo : Georgette and her little protected people
2 ° Syria
The Vivere-Syria team addresses this narration:
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Manassa, a year-old baby, whose eyes and face tell a whole story of misery and deprivation!
Manassa is the second child of a poor couple, living with their two sick children, in a very modest house, very poorly. The 2 children are born with a mental disability: mental retardation, and paralysis, since the parents are cousins. To be able to support his little family, the father embarked in the army, to have, a few months later, a sad rendezvous with death in this horrible war in Syria. Three months after his Dad’s death, the first child, aged 2 and a half, also died. And here is the mother, widow, with her little girl Manassa, sick and fatherless, who are forced to face such a hard life! The human touches, among them the help of Vivere’s milk, come as a sunray in the dark life of this family! Thanks and gratitude for all the generous hearts! |
3 ° Fight against human trafficking and assistance to victims
Ukraine: On mission in the East and West of the country, Mike held a press conference on 6th July with Zhytomyr authorities, heads of Immigration and of Police, municipals, etc. The goal was both the prevention of trafficking and the appeal to victims to make themselves known to our local partner in order to be helped. Please see the article attached here, whose translation is at the bottom of the page.
The photo shows Aliona * and her four children.
Victim of human trafficking, Aliona has undergone sexual slavery This case illustrates our permanent goal: rescue the victim in * fictive name |
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4 ° South Kivu, RdCongo: ” Why do you let us die? ”
Not a week goes by without us receiving one or more alerts reporting serious human rights violations in this region where Vivere has been operating since 2004. Today our local partner the association ACMEJ testifies:
From: acmej
Posted: Friday, July 27, 2018 11:38
Hello dear partners,
here is our document in attachment.
Insecurity is growing in several villages of the Ruzizi Plain and its highlands in South Kivu, east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The rural civilian inhabitants do not know how to cope anymore and to whom submit the problem of the insecurity which strikes them, because of the attacks by national and foreign armed men.
The security situation is getting more complicated on the eve of elections, for which the CENI is ensuring fair elections. Indeed, it is now that terrorism is developing in the plain of Ruzizi: almost everywhere there are cases of kidnapping, attack and assassination against peaceful citizens.
It is truly incredible and incomprehensible that the Rwandan armed gang of Mr. JEAN-PIERRE, commonly known as RASTA, continues to spread terror in several villages of the Itara-Luvungi group, in the Ruzizi Plain.
Civilian populations are disappointed when facing the acts of violence they are undergoing, in the knowledge of our military and national police. How is it possible that they are incapable of mastering these national and foreign armed men, bands of a few dozen people? What have the civilian inhabitants of this community done since 1996 to deserve all that they have suffered and endured to this day?
Here are some major incidents of the week:
-At around 20:45 on 25/7/2018, armed men, related to the Mayi-Mayi fighters, attacked the village of BWEGERA / Plaine de la Ruzizi. To intimidate the loyalist forces (military and police), they fired several bullets with heavy weapons and managed to steal about 20 cows, two of which died on the spot. Fortunately, no damage to human lives has been reported.
– At approximately 18:30 on 26/7/2018 in KILIBA / Ruzizi Plain, a civilian passenger bus from Bukavu to Uvira was ambushed by armed men related to Burundian fighters FNL, who fired heavy weapon bullets on the bus. Outcome: 5 civilians dead on the spot.
– Around 19:45 on 26/7/2018, armed men, related to the Mayi-Mayi fighters, raided the village of Lemera-Center / Plaine de la Ruzizi, abducting and carrying with them in the bush a resident civilian lady of the village and mother president of the church of the 8th CEPAC / LEMERA.
– On the evening of 26/7/2018 in Bulinga / Katogota / Plaine de la Ruzizi, three armed men related to the Rwandan army band of Mr Jean-Pierre, alias Rasta, were looking for two civilians and inhabitants of Katogota in their fields. Fortunately, alerted, these civilians fled. Having missed their victims, these assailants told a lady who was tearing cassava from her field: “We have already told you not to come to your fields, which now belong to us, but you do not want to understand. Tell the people of Katogota, Bulinga and Lubarika … they will leave their heads here. ”
Local leaders and human rights defenders in Katogota had agreed with Colonel TENDI (Chief Officer) of Lubarika that he would put a military stance on the Katogota-Lubarika stretch, with the aim of preventing armed attackers from tending ambushes in this stretch and protecting the civilian inhabitants who travel on this stretch to go their fields.
However, this commitment has not yet been made, which annoys the civilian inhabitants of Katogota, Bulinga and Lubarika. We therefore ask Colonel Tendi to materialize his promise by putting this military position in the stretch of land mentioned above.
We once again ask the provincial and national governments to properly fulfill their obligations towards their rural inhabitants of the Ruzizi Plain, by getting more involved so that their rural constituents can breathe peace and security.
With our best regards,
The Vivere Committee
Avec notre meilleure considération,
Le comité de Vivere
Vivere 7, av d’Yverdon C.H.1004 Lausanne CCP 17 – 709 738 – 6
Prix des droits de l’homme de la République française, mention spéciale, 2007 membre de la FEDEVACO
association à but non lucratif régie par les articles 60 et suivants du code civil suisse, politiquement et confessionnellement indépendante
reconnue d’utilité publique
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